April 15, 2024

Benefits of Making a Claim for Pre-existing Damage Before Hurricane Season

For homeowners in the storm-prone areas of Louisiana—from New Orleans to Baton Rouge and Covington to Mandeville—understanding the nuances of insurance claims for roof damage caused by hurricanes, hail, and windstorms is crucial. At Cornerstone Construction, we bring over a decade of expert experience in roof repair and replacement, helping you easily navigate these challenging times.

Benefits of Making a Claim for Pre-existing Damage Before Hurricane Season

Lower Deductibles for Non-Hurricane Damage

Typically, insurance policies have different deductibles for hail/wind damage and hurricane damage. Claims made for pre-existing damage from past storms (non-hurricane) before the hurricane season starts are often subject to the lower hail/wind deductible, which can be financially advantageous.

Comprehensive Damage Coverage

Making a claim before hurricane season allows you to address and repair any active leaks or pre-existing damage. This proactive step ensures that you are not filing a claim for the same damages twice, should they worsen after a hurricane, thus avoiding potentially higher hurricane deductibles.

It's crucial to understand that insurance claims can cover damages beyond the exterior of your home. Interior damages caused by roof leaks or compromised structural integrity can also be claimed, ensuring a comprehensive repair that restores your home's safety and comfort.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Selecting an experienced contractor like Cornerstone Construction is essential. Our expertise in specifically dealing with storm-damaged roofs allows us to effectively assess and repair your roof with precision and care.

Documentation Is Key

Document all damages thoroughly. Take clear photos and keep all receipts and detailed notes, as these will provide crucial evidence for your insurance claim. This documentation will support your claim's validity and help ensure that you receive a fair assessment.

Roofer Involvement in Assessments

Have your roofing contractor participate in the insurance assessment process. Their expertise is invaluable in identifying all damages and providing a detailed report that supports your claim. This collaboration helps maximize your claim potential and ensures that all technical aspects of the damage are professionally addressed.

Rely on the Roofing Experts

Dealing with roof damage from hurricanes, hail, or windstorms can be stressful. However, with Cornerstone Construction, you don't have to figure out your insurance claims alone. We are committed to providing expert advice and high-quality service to ensure your home is repaired and protected against future storms.

Don't wait until after the hurricane season; prepare in advance to take full advantage of lower deductibles and comprehensive coverage. Email us or call us today at (225) 978-3665. Let us secure your home with a robust roofing solution that stands the test of time and nature.

Photo credit: NAMYNOT Inc.

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